Friday night, I tried very hard to finish my parts of the lab report so that I could send them to my partner who could finish the whole report. Then the next day, I went to my friend's son's 2 year old birthday party. He had a Shrek theme party, so I got some tatoos on my hands, I loved it until couple mins before I had a meeting with my boss. Of course he made fun of me...
Sunday? I did laundry... as my friends said, I was climbing up the Mount Washmore... Usually my lovely DH could do that for me if I am busy... well the week before spring break, I was crazily busy, but since he has hurt his ankle, he couldn't help me at all. So, Mt Washmore was developed.
What else is exciting? Of coure I get a chance to knit all day long. I have been knitting a top called Sunshine Top. The pattern so far is qutie simple, hopefully I can finish it this weekend. This morning I drove Andrew to the physical therapist. While I was waiting for him, of course I took out my Sunshine to knit. I have just started the sleeve. After an hour of knitting, I found that I made a mistake at the very begining of the sleeve. MANNNNN. So I wasted an hour of work, blah!
Nice tattoos!
Your sweater is looking really good. Don't you hate catching mistakes? Ugh.
better after only an hour than after two!
ps. I hate Mt. Washmore. I try to avoid the trip as much as possible.
Hee, hee! I like the tattoos, too : )
I hope Andrew's ankle improves quickly. You don't want Mount Washmore to overtake you again ; )
Your Sunshine Top is looking great - at least you found your mistake before too long.
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