I got my birthday gift already! Ok, the story started from last year when Andrew and I drove up to see my parents. We stopped by the World Largest Truck Stop in Iowa. We saw a sticker which was only $2. Andrew thought it was hilarious if I put it on my car(because my car is so tiny), but I thought it's too big and would make my car ugly. So, I didn't allow him to buy it, even though it's $2. And then, guess what? I have regret we didn't buy it ever since we left the truck stop. We looked for it for the rest of the trip, still couldn't find it in all the big truck stops. I have been kept looking online even since we came back from the trip, but no luck. Until Monday, I came back home from work, I saw a package left next to the garage door. I looked, it's Andrews, from IOWA80truckstop.com, I smiled. Then I took it inside the garage and left it next to the basement door. Andrew came home, I didn't see him taking up the package, so I asked him. And here it is, my cheapest birthday gift ever! But I absolutely love it!!!
I made sushi on Monday, and look, aren't they pretty?The square ones are hot dogs, middle ones are tuna salad with asparagus , top ones are shrimp with cream cheese with chive and onion, the bottom ones are hot dog with asparagus and portabello mushroom. Yesterday after work, I went shopping with my friend from work. We were looking for a small gift for my another friend, C., who just became a US citizen yesterday. We went to target and had our little fun trying on some crazy sunglasses. I almost bought the orange one, only $12. It was sooo much fun, and we looked ridiculous, hahahaha....
At night, Andrew and I have attended C.'s citizenship happy hour. I am so proud of her! Now we can both vote this year!!!
What did I do today? I got up pretty early, cleaned the house, and baked a pie! Ken, the house owner came visiting today, and he asked for a banana cream pie for dessert. So, I baked my very first banana cream pie! Taste? don't know yet. He is still watching TV with Andrew downstairs... may be it's time for dessert...
Andrew and I met up my cousin and his fiancee at Chinatown in NY for dim sum for lunch, and then we went to Brooklyn Botanical Gardens for some photo-taking.
Of course I was too excited at the dim sum restaurant, and I was too hungry, I forgot the to take pictures of our food. It was good. I missed dim sum.
Then we took subway to go to the Gardens. Got off the subway, had a not-so-short walk to the garden, I was thinking, this Gardens better worth for all the walking. we were there for 3 hours, and it's worth it. Although it's not the season for most of the flower to bloom, but the Gardens is still beautiful. More pictures, click here. Then 4 of us went back to Chinatown for dinner. It's a restaurant called Singapore Cafe. Food was awesome and reasonable. highly recommended!
Indian pancake
oyster pancake
Everything was tasty!!!
Japanese Style green tea cheesecake.
Portuguese custard tart.
Then Andrew showed me this video this morning, funny!