Andrew told me to one of my favorite restaurants in North Haven, Red Lobster! I really appreciated that he put in some effort to found another route to go there, made me think he was lost or something... Then we went to watch By Bloody Valentine. It was totally my kind of movie, very bloody, however, I was a bit disappointed that it was not so scary. Thanks for the great day honey!
I made Chicken Lasagna and Bake Onions tonight. I finally found a recipe that doesn't need ricotta cheese, and some other cheeses that Andrew doesn't eat. It's pretty good, I like it a lot (which pasta I don't like?)
I saw this pretty view while I was leaving work last Friday, so I took a picture to share with you...
Last picture was taken by Andrew. He took a picture of my taking pictures for the photography assignment :D
Ugh! You like the gory movies? On Valentine's Day? You seem like such an innocent girl who would hide her face at those bloody scenes.
You're such a good cook! Everything you make makes me wish I would get myself into the kitchen instead of just watching the Food Network.
Wish your assignment brought you here to get a photo of My Little Chickadee..a black capped chickadee that is totally white-headed!
...and you have made me gain weight just looking at your food!!!
Love, Mom
Yum-O (as Rachael Ray would say)!
Your posts with food always make me hungry. I'm so glad you had a great Valentine's Day with Andrew.
I haven't had lasanga in probably 25 years. I had more, so it must have been good.
Sorry I didn't get you flowers ...
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