New Gloves
I would never thought I could knit gloves until I finished this pair. They are not perfect, but for the very first time of knitting gloves, I gave myself score 90. Haha... They could be a gift for someone, so don't be surprise if you have recieved it someday in the future. If you want them, please email your address to me as soon as possible!!
I am also in a process of a "vest dress". At the beginning, I thought it would be too small for me, but now I think it's too big....
Anyway, it has not been as busy as last couple weeks in school. I did have a test today(don't ask me what the class is, because I never remember the name of it), I couldn't believe that I have given up a 20 points question in that test. Of course I was not happy about it, but there was nothing I could do when I was running out of time. If I had 15 mintues more... I am saying "if", I think I could get it done... oh well, I think I am getting a C in that class. I really don't like that class, it's a new subjust that this is the second semester it has been held. Since everything is so new, we don't even have a right text book for it. So everything is made up by 2 professors. Since they were both in chemical engineering major, of course the class involves lots of chemisty material, and those are not the easy stuff like H is hydrogen, O is oxygen. I really have had a tough time in that. Last test, I picked up a mistake in the question that the professor made in the test. The professor spent 15 mins to try to solve my question. Don't think 15 mins is nothing, I had only one hour to do the test!! And I spent at least 30 mins trying to understand those confusing questions. I can't complain to my professor, because she is very nice and explains everything well during classes, I only think the other professor is the trouble maker. Anyway, I assume you don't want to hear more about it... back to homework now...
I did a bad test too! even you can't imagine,a little sad! and too much work is waiting for me,tired!
by the way,your new gloves are lovely! you are busy with another great knitting project? hehe
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