School has been busy. Even though I have only missed one week of school, I am still catching up. I have couple tough classes this semester, and I have been thinking dropping one of them, we will see.
And I have been moving too. Last weekend, my parents-in-law came to help us move. Originally we wanted them to come to help us moving some big furniture(because I am so wimpy, I couldn't help my husband to do that), then just hanged out in the new house. But then they have helped us to move a lot which I really appreciated, because otherwise, we would have moved everything slowly, we know we are slow, hahaha. So thank you Mom and Dad H.
I love and proud of my car so much. It really helps our moving a lot. It is very room that it carries lots of things at a time. Here is one example...
Without my husband in the car while I am driving, I could even put one more box on the passenger seat. We kept loading and unloading our two small cars like that twice a night for a week to move our things( I have a Honda Fit, and DH has a Subaru WRS wegan). The house is still a mess, lots of boxes and little things everywhere. Bugging me. I want to get them organize as fast as I can, but still, I also got lots of homework and projects, and mid-terms are coming.
Here are the pictures of the house... or should I show the pictures now when it looks messy? May be it's ok to show only the front of the house.
Oh, right after I came back from Fargo, I went to the first class of one of my classes. Before that class, I had been paying attention to what book(s) I needed for that class, but there has been no information from the book store. So at the first class, the professor showed up with lots of books and said those are the text books, which were written by him, that we need for this class, and they cost $200. He specifically said we can't find the books online, so we, the broke students, had to buy them from him. (Those book looked used) We could take the book now and paid him back the following week. I was like, what a rip off. So only 3 or 4 people from the class took them. The next day, one of us found those book online for $70...
While all these stuff going on in my life right now, I have not had time to knit... I miss you guys in SnB, and I miss knitting... talking about knitting, there is something I want to show it off... maybe next post... hehe :D
It's nice to hear from you! I'm glad your dad is improving - I hope he continues to get better and better. It's good that your parents-in-law have been able to help you guys out so much!
I am also glad that your dad is doing better. It was so nice to see a new post from you. Congratulation on the new house!
Good to see a nice long new post from you. We at S&B have missed you very much!
You're house is beautiful. Congratulations! Happy to hear your dad is improving!
So glad your father is making gains. We were happy to help...especially when your Fit holds sooo much! Our truck and trailer helped, but your Fit probably did the most! Just wish I was closer so I could help unpack too...but you've done a lot. Where are all the leaves in the photo?! There were so many when we were carrying things up the steps!
Mom H.
Ok, Mom H has noticed the mistake of the photo. Yes, that is the house we have moved in, but the picture was taken last winter when Mom and Dad went to see the house for the first time, and the man in the picture was the house owner, Ken. hehe. Mom, you have busted me!! Good eyes...
Your mother-in-law reads your blog?! Now she knows how much of an obsession knitting can be. But then again, she also knows how loved you are by Stitch 'n Bitch New Haven.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad that the move went smoothly and that your father is improving. And I feel you on the school issue -- it seems like all I do is sit in class, read, and sleep.
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