Since the last post, I have done quite a lots of things...
I have baked some pound cakes. It was delicious and all sold out for the bake sale last time, so I didn't get a chance to eat much of it. This week, I didn't care how busy I was on Tuesday, I baked 2 more, one plain, one with chocolate chips. I brought one to work(1/2 of each kind), some slides to school, some for C. I was going to give Sean some too, already put pieces in a container. Too bad he and Andrew had an all day off site meeting, so didn't get a chance to give the cake to him and Deborah. And guess what? I ended up eating them. Otherwise, I didn't get to eat any...
I also have cooked a bit... stuffed clams and curry beef.
I haven't gone to SnB for at least 3 weeks. I missed it, I missed my "bitches". Because I want to think of them everyday, I knit everyday, at least for 1/2. Is that too much?(good excuse, huh?) As for knitting, I have finished the Oversized Lace Top. It took me a year to finish it. I can't wait for the warm weather to come, so that I can wear it!!!
We went to watch Iron Man last night. It was awesome!!!
Last thing I want to mention is, there are always a group of 5 turkeys wandering at our yard, 1 male and 4 female. One morning, the male one was blocking the driveway that I couldn't get out. Stupid birds, didn't even move when I drove really close...
Should go back to those stupid reports...
All of us bitches miss you, too!
I must say that all of this baking, cooking, and knitting appear to be a subconscious method of avoiding your stupid reports. You should keep on with all of those other things, though, because your baking, cooking, and knitting all look great!
That is some turkey! So cool that you get to photograph him so close though.
Only few more weeks then you are a free woman!!! (at least for 3 months!) Hang in there! And your baking is AWESOME! so yummy.
That lace top is really gorgeous! Hand in there with school. You're almost there! I finished today and I am exhausted. p.s. that cake looks so good!
Heh - I am a recent Rock Band addict, as well. I am all about the drumming - my friend and I stayed up until 3am two nights in a row playing in our band when I went to visit her, lol. It's a GOOD thing I don't have it or I'd get nothing done!
Oh, and YES, Iron Man ROCKED!!! I hope you stayed through the credits!
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