I finished it!!! I can't believe I finished it before school start.

I also have been cooking A LOT lately.Onions Baked with Rosemary and Cream. It's awesome, 5 out of 5 stars!!!

Pork Chops with Sour Cream and Mushroom Sauce. Andrew likes it, so 4 stars.

Grilled Vension Backstrap. I don't like venison much, so I give it 3 stars.

Cola wings. Instead of cooking in oven, I cooked it with the stove. I browned the wings first on a pan, then put the cola sauce in, and added more coke to cover all the wings, brought it to boil and turn the heat down, and simmered for an hour. Pretty good, 4 stars.

Baked Pork Chops. I used chicken stock instead of white wine . It's a must-cook. 5 stars!!!

Baked chicken wings. I marinated the wings overnight, dipped them into eggs and coated them with bread crumbs. Then put them in the oven at 375 degree for an hour. 4 stars.

Mocha Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins. I have made 16 muffins from this recipes. Pretty good. 4 stars!!!

I was very excited this Wednesday, because LOST is back!!! This was how Andrew and I welcome it back... Yes I know, very dorky... These are our Wednesday nights outfit now!

I have knitted quite a lot lately. I "almost" finish the Gathered Pullover. The seaming part was dragging the progress of the project. Now the shoulders are seamed, and the sleeves are attached to the body, next step is to knit the neck band. However, I am not sure if I am going to finished it. I tried it on, it fits a bit tiny, and it's itching me, very much! The alpaca yarn is very soft, but I didn't know it's itchy! If the sweater is fitting my body so well, that I it won't fit me if I wear something underneath. OH what should I do? Finish it and give it to someone else? But I do like the sweater... Knitters, any suggestions?

I have finished the Zokni socks. I am not sure what went wrong, maybe the color of the yarn, maybe the needle size that I used, they just don't look quite right for some reason.

Now I am onto a new project, Hanami! I have been wanting to knit this for a while. It was the knit-the-bead-cast on worried me, made me haven't started this project. But, once I started, it's not as difficult as I thought. It's my second day of Hanami Fest, I am already in the second repeat of the basket weave chart, very easy knit, and I am loving it!

Last week, I have cooked a bit. I have made Chicken Milano. It has a sun-dried tomato and basil sauce. Pretty good, Andrew surprisingly liked it. Then I tried this Stir-Fry Green Bean recipe, holy cow, it's a must-cook! (I didn't have sesame seeds, but I used sesame oil instead, yum!)

We have been having some snow/ice storms for the last couple of weeks. One night after it snowed for couple hours, Andrew went out and "shoveled" me a message. So sweet!

I have been enjoying my break by doing pretty much nothing. There is no work pressure, no homework. I just go to work, come home, cook or not cook, and then watch TV. Very simple but enjoyable.
Last week, Some of my SnB friends came over for the SnB + Rock Band Party. We had potluck for dinner, everything was so delicious. Since Knelley and Jennsquared had their birthdays couple weeks ago, we surprised them by giving them gifts right after dessert. Then everyone rocked when playing the video games. I believed we had lots of fun that night.

During holidays season, I have been "jingled" at work 3 times this year. What is "jingle"? At work, the health services had created the event like secret santa. This secret santa got a "You have been Jingled" note from the health services, then he/she would leave the gift and the note on the person's desk that whose he/she wanted to jingled without that person knowing. This year I got chocolates in a mug from Liz (not in the picture), some fancy tea from Jules, and some hello kitty pens and a small notebook (still don't know whom they are from).

Jennsquared got me a Hello Kitty Calendar. The cutest thing and I LOVE IT! Guess who knows me well?

I also got some Japanese cookies from Yin who just came back from Japan for his ping pong training. This kid was a co-op at Schick. He was so sweet, he asked if I wanted anything from Japan the last day he was there. I said, there is one kind of cookies that I really really like from Japan, I showed him the link, he bought me the cookie before the left Japan. Couple days later, I found these cookies in my mail box.
The coolest thing I got this year is from my friend Sean. He gave me a gift certificate to The Yarn Barn. Why is it cool if it's only a gift certificate? Because he handmade it! He bought the code from the Yarn Barn, then used his industrial design talent plus couple paper cards to created this pretty gift certificate. I really appreciated his thoughtfulness.

Lastly, I just want to show you couple pictures...(especially thank to DH for winding the yarn and modeling)

Andrew and I came back from Fargo on the 26pm-27am. Our flight got a bit delay, but we were lucky that we got home ok. After we arrived home, about 3-4 inches of snow on the driveway was waiting for us. Thanks to Subaru, we didn't need to shovel it, we just drove up without any problem.
Fargo was COLD. There were couple days, I was having difficulty to breath when I was outdoor. Lots of snow, there was. Therefore, nothing much we could do there, except eat, sleep, and eat. The result? gain some weight! But it's so worth it because I missed my mom's cooking so much! We also get a chance to see the family. I am so proud of my little brother who just graduated, I hope he can find a job very soon.

These several days, no work, no school. All I did was being lazy. I did some laundry, watch lots of TV [LOST, (I can't believe how addictive it is, Andrew now is obsessed with it), and 24], eat, and KNIT.
Andrew took me to Red Lobster on the 30th. I love Red Lobster, and finally, they opened one up in North Haven, we don't have to drive all the way to Danbury anymore. I go there for their seafood, Andrew goes there for their biscuits...

Traditionally, Andrew and I celebrate New Year at home. I cook dinner at home. Last night, I have made Flank Steak, Green Bean Casserole, mashed potato and pumpkin pie. I did snow a lot yesterday, so Andrew had to shovel the deck for me to use the grill. Steak was pretty good, I was going to make fajitas with it, but I forgot to buy tortillas, oh well... I made pumpkin pie because I had all the ingredients at home already. After all the good food, we went back to 24, hahahaha....

I haven't updated my blog for long time. It's because before, I was too busy at school, I didn't have time to write. Now I am too busy to write because I use my time to knit like crazy. I have finished the body of the Gathered Pullover, now I am onto the sleeves. And I am also on the second foot of the Zokni socks.