Last Friday, My Energy Management class went for a Power Plant tour up at Mohegan Sun. I took Andrew with me. It was a awesome tour, they have an amazing plant that keep the casino running! After the tour, we went with couple of my classmates to Big Bubba's BBQ for dinner. Andrew and I ordered The The Big Bubbaque, which came with Beef, pulled pork, ribs, link & BBQ chicken, to share. It was very good, and we were both really full afterward. Then we gambled a little ;)
Oh, on the way to the casino, my car was hit by a stone, and my car's windshield...
Then the next day, I went out with my photography buddies to New Haven for some night shooting. we started shooting from 4:30pm, had dinner at Ivy Noodles, and ice cream at Ashley's, then shot more, and leaving New Haven around 11pm. My legs were sore after that, but it was so worth it, so much fun.
THEN on Sunday, Andrew and I got up early, took the train down to NYC, met my cousin Dennis and his fiancee in China Town for dim sum, and then went to Brooklyn Botanical Garden for some cherry blossom shooting! yes! more pictures!!!
Then this Friday, I went shopping for suits and dresses for my final presentation/interview(later, hopefully), and my graduation commencement. I got both suits and dress, so mission accomplished!
Got up early yesterday, went to the darkroom to print some pictures for "the show". Every semester, the photography class professor would pick 8-12 students' pictures and hang up on the wall in school. I am so excited! He picked one of my pictures, well, he said may be two if he could find another empty frame. So, I was there helping him to print my pictures.
Once I got home, I had to finish up some of the homework, then Andrew and I went out for dinner and watched a movie, a DATE!!! We watched Wolverine. We both like it, thought it was pretty good. And on the way home from movie(around mid-night), we saw 2 cows on the side of the road. We both freaked out at first, then we drove back to confirm that we did see COWS. So this time, we drove slowly, and then... you know me... took a picture of them lol.
Today, since I saw some work clothes on sale when I was dress/suits shopping on Friday, I printed out the coupons and went work clothes shopping today for 2 hours. Then Andrew and I have been cleaning the house like crazy. My parents and my inlaws are coming in couple weeks, so between busy at work and school finals week, we have to get ready for the guests now... Can't slack anymore!!!
I am still knitting the Garden Party Shawl, not much progress, so no new picture of it. I only hope I can finish it before May 23rd...
My, Anphoe! You've been busy the past couple of days!
Hope that we'll get to see you soon!
By the way.....the word verification is amess. I could not make that up.
Can hardly wait for the 23rd...we are SO excited!
I'm also cleaning up a storm so that you and your parents can have a "retreat" just down the road....
Your favorite MIL
you get to see dennis WAY more than i do! no fair!
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