Once I sat down, heard the mailman story, got my food, ate it, then I took out my Hemlock Ring Blanket and tried to work on it. And then I was like "oh crap! I forgot to bring my pattern." Of course, there were like 10 people around me yelled "AGAIN?" in harmony. YES, again, it's the third time I have done it. Since the next couple rows of the blanket are knit rows(there are 10000 stitches in one row), I had something to do for the most of the time I was there. Then I was trying to work on something else, but of course, I forgot to print out the pattern. Oh well. I had fun though on Thursday night.
Speaking of Thursday night, I supposed to have a Dynamics class(a 300 level class). The story started on the first day I went to UNH. I took Dynamics at Gateway already, but somehow, the people in UNH used that credits to waive a stupid Introduction to Engineering class(a 100 level class). So, I had to take Dynamics again at the first semester in UNH. I went to the class, heard the syllabus, and told Professor S. that I have known all the material he was going to teach since I learned that from Gateway. He asked me to take the homework and exams from the Gateway class to show him. I did, and he said I did pretty well, asked me to drop the dynamics class and take Vibration instead. Also said, next time when he teaches the dynamics class again, I would only have to sign up, I didn't need to sit in the class nor take any exams, but I would still get an A. Sounds like a good deal to me. Until the end of last semester, I found out that Prof. S. was going to teach that class again, so I signed up right away. Since I am very close to graduating, I don't have many classes let to take, so this semester I only have 13 credits. But a week before the semester started, I found that Prof. S has changed his mind, and not teaching that class anymore. I totally freaked out because I need that class to stay full time. Since I do need Dynamics to fill my academic worksheet, so I had no choice but to go to the Thursday night Dynamics class. I went, and the class got canceled, because I was the only one who signed up that class. I am screwed!! I have called the financial aid, they said if I switched from full time student to part time, I would lose 2 scholarships and and lower my federal student loan! I can't afford to do that. Now I have figure something else to stay as a full time. Good luck to me!!
Since I want to knit as much as I can before I got really busy in school(which could be next week), I have been knitting as much as I can. I finished my sweater last Friday(the 25th), I casted on the Hemlock Ring Blanket on Saturday(the 26th), and it has been blocking since last night(Feb 2nd). I like the pattern a lot, it's pretty easy, but the blind off took FOREVER!!!! Let me give you a preview of the blanket. I will show more pictures once I finish blocking it.
Your blanket is so pretty! Maybe I'll go back and do another one for myself.
The blanket is beautiful, as is the sweater you wore the other night!
As for the class, is it possible to take an elective (maybe a reasonably easy and non-timeconsuming one) to get your hours? I know it's not the optimal solution, but maybe it's a possibility. Good luck!
Hey! I forgot to tell you on Thursday that your sweater is *beautiful*! Great job! Very flattering!
Sorry about the school situation. I hope that it works out for you!
That blanket is very comfy and warm looking! I loved your sweater, I hope I can do that some day (with the cables) and it fits you like a glove!!
Any port in a storm, find anything that fits your schedule so you don't loss your funding!!! It would be great if you found something you needed, but, if it's not there ...
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