One of my friends at school found a kitten in his apartment's front yard. He couldn't keep it because his apartment doesn't allow him to keep pet, so he offered me to take her home.

Since we have had two cats at home, I named them Choppy and Sticky, which is Chopsticks, perfect. Now we have the third one... I name her Cookie, from "fortune cookie". Andrew said, if we have another white cat, we will name it Milk. Yeah, like 3 cats is not enough. We took her to the vet today, the doctor said she is about 4 weeks old. More picture here

Another exciting thing, I got my craft room set up a little better. Here is a picture...

And finally, I have finished this...

Yes, my Swan Lake. Now it's being blocked. Apparently my blocking board is not big enough for the stole. More pictures later. Next week, I have one more mid-term exam, then I will have more time to knit. Yay! I want to finish some gift knitting...
Yes today is my birthday, and I have been having a wonderful day. I went to work this morning. Since there was a exam at 4:30pm, I was planning on getting off work around 11:30am, and have lunch with Andrew, then go to school and study more for the exam. So around 11:15am, my bosses asked me and other co-workers to the meeting/break room, and Surprise, a birthday cake for me and 2 still warm apple pies. I honestly had tears in my eyes.
Then Andrew and I went to Wasabi for my birthday lunch. I had the sushi and sashimi lunch. It looked and tasted really good.
At the end of the meal, I asked the waitress if their have discount for birthday person. They said, "I am sorry, we don't give discount, but we give free dessert." Then they brought out the tampura ice-cream and mochi ice-cream while singing the birthday song for me...
After lunch, I headed to school. My friend Carolina ordered me to called her once I got into school. So, I did, she was like I had something for you. I wondered what that was because when I studied with her yesterday, she already gave me a bath and body work gift set for my birthday. So, 2 mins later, she brought in some cupcakes that she made for me. Tears in my eyes again. We were not drunk, but I felt like I was drunk by the sweetness of friendship.
Then studied more and did the exam. The exam went well, I think, at least I think I am not going to fail that test. Then had another class until 9:15pm. Got home around 9:45. Andrew came down to the driveway to greet me. I walked in to the house, saw a small package from Amazon for Andrew, but it wasn't open. So he told me to open it because it's a gift for me. So I opened it, and it's a Introduction to the Nikon D80 Digital SLR. Okay, Andrew got me the DVD from my Amazon wish list. that's good, that's what I have always wanted. I was quite happy, althought I haven't gotten the camera yet. Then we talked about our day... all the sudden, he took out another bigger box, from Amazon also, and had me open it. He got me some knitting books. We talked some more, and then, he took out one more box, an even bigger one. Tears again. I opened it up, more books from Amazon. Actually he got me ALL the things that were on my wish list. we still don't know why Amazon had to ship the books in 3 packages. OK knitters, if you don't want to be jealous, just skip the following pictures.

Since I just got out from class, I didn't have dinner yet. And Andrew has waited for me to come home, so he also didn't have neither. He was like, let's see what we can eat from the fridge or freezer. I knew there wasn't much in the fridge(since I haven't done grocery for long time), so I opened up the freezer, then I spotted a cake in it right away! He said because my bosses got me a cake, Carolina baked me some cupcakes, he wanted to get me something different which is an ice-cream cake. It's from Billy's down the road on 63. Now the cake has been in the freezer who knows how long, so it's pretty hard, and very difficult to cut...

Overall, I have had a wonderful day today. I think I am so blessed that I have a very sweet husband( I still couldn't believe all the surprise that he came up with for me) and family and friends that love me. I got messages from my SnB wishing me happy birthday. Thanks guys. I really am glad that I have joined this group. I have made some friends, and learned a lot from them.
I love you honey!
I have been very stressed out lately that I think I may have gone crazy. After coming back from Fargo to see my dad, I moved to a new place right away and have been trying to catch up school and keep working part-time. Apparently I am not a superwoman, I found that I can't do everything at the same time. I have been trying so hard to pack, unpack, organize the new house, clean up the old house, go to work, and go to school. I feel like I am physically and mentally lost.
Last weekend, I found myself running around the house like a crazy lady. While I was folding laundry, I saw some books lying on the floor, so I took the books upstairs to put on the bookshelves. Then I found some cleaning items on the shelves, so I took them down to the kitchen. Then I found that I needed some paper towel in the kitchen, so I ran down to basement to get it. while I was in the basement, I found some DVDs that I could put them on the shelves next to the TV. Then, of course, I forgot to bring paper towel with me and took the DVDs upstairs. I found something next to the TV that I need to put it back in the room. When I walked back into the room, I was like, right, I was folding the laundry... It didn't only happen once. These cases happened several times last week. I am so lost.
And I feel so bad that I don't have time to do homework. I have stocked up a lot of them. Since there are some tests coming up, and mid-term, I am very worried. Why don't I have time? I got up at 6:30am, get ready for work; get off work around 4-5pm, go to classes; classes end around 9-9:30pm, go home. By the time I get home and start eating dinner, it's around 10-10:30. Clean up the house a bit. I have been having 4hours of sleep last week. Now, I know it maybe an excuse for me being lazy. Since I only work part-time, 3 days a week, I still have couple days off that I could do my hw. Ideally, yes. But, I just don't know where did the time go.
Yes, I know I bitch a lot, and that is why I need to go SnB. And I went last week, and it made me feel so good. I could see my friends, knit for a while, chat for a while. I miss it a lot.
Since my life has been having a lot going on, I was going to give up something. And After talked to my Mom, Mom H, and my friends, I have made my decision that I won't give it up. I would try my best to do what I am doing. Thank you all very much for standing by my side all the time. It really means a lot to me.
Now it's my dad's update. My mom told me that the doctor has gone on vacation. And before he left, he checked on my dad and said the infection inside the body is pretty much gone, although he is still in CCU. If next week, after he come back from vacation, and my dad still looks good, then he will go ahead and sew my dad up. I think it's a very good news.
Jen, I want to apologized that what I have said in the message I have left in your blog. I really didn't mean it that way. I was only joking, I am sorry.
Here is the beginning of the story... Jenn and I have ordered some Jagger Zephyr Wool-silk lace yarn in cones with our SnBers. Jenn and I have decided to have a yarn winding party to split up all the yarn in balls. The plan was to meet up on Saturday to wind our yarn, but, there is also a sale in Yarn Garden, so we were like, "Should we go to Yarn Garden to take a look first?" "Of Course!!". Then We have changed our plan a little. We met up at Yarn Garden, spent couple hours there... Yes, I bought yarn, just because I need to fill up the yarn wall. OK, I told myself that I won't buy any sock yarn, and... I ended up buying 3 skeins, Austermann Step, Tofutsies, and Cherry Tree Hill. I also bought some CE Princess, CE Bazic Wool, and DB Alpaca Silk. What else did I buy? 2 books and a magazine.

I had a lot of fun today. I have never winded yarn from a cone before. It was quite an experience. And Jenn brought a digital scale with her so that we can split the yarn evenly. Very smart!

After I-don't-know-how-many weeks I haven't been to SnB, I finally got a chance to this week since the professor of Thursday night class is out of town. I really enjoyed the time I spent there. I missed it. Don't worry, I will get to go next week too because next Thursday, I have a take home exam, so NO CLASS! Jen said," oh, then Phoebe is going to do her exam during SnB..." Yeah, right!
I have casted on the Cable-Down Raglan, but since there is a correction for the pattern which I don't really quite understand how to keep knitting it, so it has been sitting on my yarn wall now since SnB. For now, since I have lots of lace yarn, I may just start another lace project... wait, I haven't finished MS3 yet, haven't started the Secret of Stole, I don't even have time to knit, but I have joined another mystery project already, what's wrong with me? But I saw this Mystic Waters KAL in costumechick's blog, and I couldn't help but to join it.
In case you are wondering, my dad is still in ICU(they call it CCU there, Critical Care Unit). He is pretty much still the same, but the doctor said my dad is getting a little bit better after every surgery. Thanks for every one's concern, I really appreciated. OK, I am going back to do my homework...
OK, I said, from the last post, I am going to show something off, and here it is...

My yarn wall! I actually have this book shelves from Ikea for couple years. I think last year, one of our SnBers found this shelves was being sold by a closing yarn store. And ever since, we refer this shelves as "yarn wall". It has been used in my computer room in the old house. I put books on it. I know Jenn has one too (as I remember). I was kind of jealous that she could fill up the yarn wall with yarn instead of books. Now, after we moved, I asked DH if I could have a crafty room and would like to use the book shelves as a yarn wall. "Sure!" he said. And there it is, I have one! But I don't have enough yarn to fill it up yet. My MIL saw it when she came over to help us move, she said" oh yeah, you will(fill it up)". Haha, she knows me too well! If you notice, there is a cube on the top first right which is empty, and it's because it's reserved for the lace yarn(they are coming soon)...
And tonight, I couldn't hold it any longer, I casted on a project... you will know the reason why I have to do it tonight(Wednesday). Even couple rows, I have to start tonight. It's the Cable-Down Raglan from IK spring 2007. I am using Misti Cotton, Pima Cotton/Silk. Karen, you can pet this one! :D
And last but not least, I can show you the new kitchen...
P.S. Karen, yes my mother-in-law knows how much fun I have been having in SnB. I always mention all the fun things that happens and how great/supportive my friends are there. She always visits my blog because she cares about me.