My yarn wall! I actually have this book shelves from Ikea for couple years. I think last year, one of our SnBers found this shelves was being sold by a closing yarn store. And ever since, we refer this shelves as "yarn wall". It has been used in my computer room in the old house. I put books on it. I know Jenn has one too (as I remember). I was kind of jealous that she could fill up the yarn wall with yarn instead of books. Now, after we moved, I asked DH if I could have a crafty room and would like to use the book shelves as a yarn wall. "Sure!" he said. And there it is, I have one! But I don't have enough yarn to fill it up yet. My MIL saw it when she came over to help us move, she said" oh yeah, you will(fill it up)". Haha, she knows me too well! If you notice, there is a cube on the top first right which is empty, and it's because it's reserved for the lace yarn(they are coming soon)...
And tonight, I couldn't hold it any longer, I casted on a project... you will know the reason why I have to do it tonight(Wednesday). Even couple rows, I have to start tonight. It's the Cable-Down Raglan from IK spring 2007. I am using Misti Cotton, Pima Cotton/Silk. Karen, you can pet this one! :D
Yay! ANother yarn wall! DOn't worry. We'll enable you into filling it up!
GO PHOEBE!!! I knew you could fill it up! And with birthday money coming soon you'll get the last cube filled for sure. Maybe I should send out your $$ before your b'day!! It's here with me in AZ...I was afraid Dad H. would forget to send it while I was gone.
I love your new house and what you've done...with school, SnB and your father it was a lot of work, but you & your Fit & your DH did sooo much work.
Love you!
I want a yarn wall! I want a crafty room! I want a beautiful kitchen! You're a lucky duck!
Wow, is that a Halo edition xbox360 with the Halo 3 Legendary edition sitting in the bottom left corner?
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