I have made a mistake on the Mystic Waters Shawl. After the long process of MS3, I am very used to reading chart now, I think. So, after I printed out the chart of MWS, I did a swatch right a way, and it looked pretty. So I casted on the shawl, didn't bother to read the finished clue#1. This Monday, my friend from work wanted to know how to do "ssk" before she cast on her MWS. I was like, why do you need to know, there is no "ssk" in the pattern... or is there? OH THERE IS. Apparently, I am so used to knitting MS3. It's pattern, "/" means "sk1p", and that's what I have been doing in MWS. Big mistake, but I have asked Costumechick who is an a knitting expert, she said I don't need to frog it, I just have to to keep doing the wrong stitch. Well, problem solved. I was so afraid that I would have wasted lots of time if I need to rip it...
People who know me well would know that I have a thing for Wedding Dress. And I am so glad that TLC has a show called Say Yes to the Dress and I love it!!! Thanks to Mom H for letting me know about it.
No knitting pictures today, or for while, because all I have been knitting are gifts...
Love the Ravelry shirt. I wish I'd ordered one, but I just never wear t-shirts. Jess said they'll have a tote bag coming soon. Keep an eye out for it.
I like the idea of keeping on with the wrong stitch. Now that's my kind of knitting!
It's not WRONG, it's just different. Both are left leaning, they are just made differently. They aren't completely interchangable, but in this project, it's perfectly fine.
That is all.
again, not wrong.
I LOVE Say Yes to the Dress! I'm such a TV junkie ... I'll watch _almost_ anything.
I love my shirt too!! And I guess I did order the pins!! I'd wear the shirt today but the kids both have yucky noses and like to wipe them on me ... yum. Nothing like being a mommy ...
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