My SIL and her family has flown from Arizona to my in-laws where is in upstate NY for Christmas. DH and I have had a really good time there for a week. I got lots of cool presents, and some yarn money, hahaha...(why am I laughing? you'll see) I was so glad to see my SIL who is also a knitter. Although we didn't bitch much, we did knitted a lot. I got a pair of socks done(it's a gift, so I will post the picture later once the gift has been given), finished 2/3 of a scarf. And also we took a trip to Woodstock Wool Company and I bought 2 hanks of Bare Alpaca Tweed. So pretty...
So, What else did I get? From, my MIL, I got a Hello Kitty contact lenses traveling case, a Hello Kitty Pez, some Hello Kitty mini ornaments (so cute). My MIL also got me something very special. She found me a Cabbage Patch Kid who is an Asian girl named Phoebe, how cool is that? Oh, she also got me some knitting magazines from 1970s-1980s.
What did DH get me? hehehe... a set of Harmony, a yarn meter, 2 knitting books and Guitar Hero III for Wii. So beside knitting, we also played some guitar in the vacation.
We took Cookie(the 4 months old kitty) with us and left Choppy and Sticky at home. We put lots of food and water out. With the help of Cat Genie, we didn't have to worried about scooping the litter box. Once we got home yesterday, the litter box was fine, but food was all gone, and water was almost gone too. Thank goodness we didn't go longer.
OK, I think that is enough of bragging for right now. :D
Happy New Year to everyone!!!
You got some very lovely Christmas gifts. I love your Cabbage Patch doll. My Cabbage Patch doll's name was Margaret Lizzie (same as my Mom, well Elizabeth).
I am so jealous that Andrew managed to find Guitar Hero III for the Wii! Do you know how hard that was to find????!!!!!
I was thinking about getting a Cat it any good?
Wow! You got some wonderful gifts! I think my favorite has to be the Phoebe Cabbage Patch doll. That's a special find!
Happy New Year!
If you have a wireless connection and you ever play guitar hero via the net (in the ninteno WFC option on the main menu) Add me to your friends list and we can play against each other if we are ever on at the same time. My name on it is Heather. Or is that weird??
Oh I guess you need a friend code. PM me for mine if you ever want to play.
Yarn meter! That is cool. You got great gifts, and great family to go along with it! Glad you're back!
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