Last Friday was a little strange. I ran into Jyn in the chinese store in the afternoon. He always goes to that store, so it's not too weird see him there. Andrew came back from Chicago that night. Then we went to watch Pirates 3. The movie was ok, the beginning was kind of confusing. Before the movie, I saw Valerie and her husband right outside the theather. And then I saw Chau right before the movie started, she sat several rows behind me. What a day, I ran into 3 of my friends...
Andrew and I left on Saturday to his parents house for the weekend. We had a medium size picnic, about 50+ people. Andrew and I had so much fun cooking the burgers and hot dogs since we are not the socialized typed of people, we enjoyed standing behind the grills. And of course, he always had fun playing with the kids in the picnic. After the picnic, Mom H had to left us for her Rome trip. I am so jealous, I want to go too. :( I hope she is having fun there.
We came home on Monday. One the way back, we stopped by the Hitchcock Chair Company/Factory in Riverton, CT.
As for knitting, I have started a new project. It's a hat called Shedir from Knitty. No surprise, it's purple, and the yarn is from Rowan, called Calmer. 75% cotton and %25 Acrylic/Microfibre. Kind of soft. This hat requires lots, I mean LOTS, of cabling, it should be either fun or made me hate knitting cable, we will see...
1 comment:
Wow! It looks like you had quite a Memorial Day weekend!
Good to see you at S&B last night -- it looks like your hat is coming along nicely so far. :-)
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