30 June, 2007

Ready to go? Nooooo!

Andrew and I are planning to leave tomorrow for our Fargo trip. However, it's now 1:30am, I am still packing, well not at this moment. Andrew worked full day today, went to get a hair cut after work. After he got home, we went to do a travelling-shopping to get some traveling size shampoo, toothpaste, and stuff. Then we went to Barns and Noble, and we were there for qutie a while. Then we had dinner at Cheng's Buffet, I just wanted chinese food for some reason, and of course I was too lazy to cook tonight. Oh well, it was 10pm when we got home. And that is why Andrew is tired now. May be we will leave her around 1 or 2 pm.

While I was looking for some jewerly to wear in Jasmine's wedding, I found this...

I just missed my tiara. Too bad I only got to wear it once in my wedding. So when I saw it today, I couldn't resist to put it on my head right away. When Andrew came home tonight and saw me, he was like, "Are you ok?" haha...

Today, I got the cd that I ordered last week right in time, so that I can listen to it during the trip.

The first clue of the MS3 was released today. I have printed out the charts, and knitted a couple of rows. But it just didn't look quite right to me, so I frogged it. And then I didn't have a chance to knit again tonight :( I have decided to bring couple projects with me to Fargo, I doubt I will have much time to knit, but I won't want to miss a chance. On the way back from Fargo, we are trying to stopped by my in-laws' house and we will get to see Becky, my sister-in-law, since she is visit her parents at that time. When I first knew that we are going to see Becky, the first thing I thought of was what knitting projects I should bring with me, so that I can show Becky when we are on the way back home. I am so silly. Well, I can also show those projects to my mom too since she has only seen couple of my earliest scarves and hats I knitted before. I want to "wow" her when she sees what I have been knitting lately. :D

Alright, it's almost 2am, what should I do? Go back to pack some more? Or should I go to bed?

I will try to keep posting during the trip and tell when I am later.


Octopus Knits said...

Hope you got some sleep -- have fun!

acambras said...

I always have trouble getting to sleep the night before a big trip -- so much to do!

I hope you have a smooth trip and a great time. :-)

mad knitter said...

Well, it's about 2 on Sunday, so I guess you are gone! If you see this, I just wanted to say have a *wonderful* time! I love road trips! It should be lots of fun! Are you travelling for a wedding? I hope it's lots of fun!

costumechick said...

I would have just stayed up. I'd have finished packing, then knit till andrew woke up. Sleep in the car. I'm evil that way though....

Anonymous said...


I will take care your cats^^

Erin said...

Have a happy and safe vacation! We'll miss you at the next few S&Bs. I know your mom and friends will be blown away by all your beautiful knits!