Yeah, I am back, from a nice vacation.
My SIL and her family has flown from Arizona to my in-laws where is in upstate NY for Christmas. DH and I have had a really good time there for a week. I got lots of cool presents, and some yarn money, hahaha...(why am I laughing? you'll see) I was so glad to see my SIL who is also a knitter. Although we didn't bitch much, we did knitted a lot. I got a pair of socks done(it's a gift, so I will post the picture later once the gift has been given), finished 2/3 of a scarf. And also we took a trip to Woodstock Wool Company and I bought 2 hanks of Bare Alpaca Tweed. So pretty...

So, What else did I get? From, my MIL, I got a Hello Kitty contact lenses traveling case, a Hello Kitty Pez, some Hello Kitty mini ornaments (so cute). My MIL also got me something very special. She found me a Cabbage Patch Kid who is an Asian girl named Phoebe, how cool is that? Oh, she also got me some knitting magazines from 1970s-1980s.

What did DH get me? hehehe... a set of Harmony, a yarn meter, 2 knitting books and Guitar Hero III for Wii. So beside knitting, we also played some guitar in the vacation.

We took Cookie(the 4 months old kitty) with us and left Choppy and Sticky at home. We put lots of food and water out. With the help of Cat Genie, we didn't have to worried about scooping the litter box. Once we got home yesterday, the litter box was fine, but food was all gone, and water was almost gone too. Thank goodness we didn't go longer.
OK, I think that is enough of bragging for right now. :D
Happy New Year to everyone!!!
Yay! All the exams and lab reports were finished on Monday. What a relief. I couple final grades already, and I did pretty good. (Thanks for asking last night, Costumechick)
We had a cookies swap last night at SnB. So much fun.

And this is what I got...

Jennsquare also give me one of her Christmas balls. I love it, it's purple with a bit of silver.

Since I was so busy last week, I didn't have time to post here. But something weird happened last week. On Wednesday, I went to school. When I parked, a guy parked next to me pretty much at the same time. So, when he got out, he beeped me, wait, he beeped the car loudly when I was standing next to his car. So, I took out my keys, and beeped my car too. I knew I locked it, but I just want to beeped him back. After I took the exam, I came out and tried to leave. I found there was a pair of ear muffs in my car, like grabbing my headrest. It was creepy, because I was so sure that I locked my car. (with the help of that jerk, I remembered) I also didn't recognized that pair of ear muffs. I was pretty sure They aren't mine or Andrew's. so I got home, I asked Andrew right away. "These are not yours, right? I found them in my car, please tell me they are yours or you make a joke or something..." "NO". Then I was scared. Then whose are they?
Another weird thing happened on Sunday. When I tried to re-do my lab reports, I found that my thumb drive has disappeared. I flipped out right away, because my final class grade depended on the reports. And I had to hand them in by Monday. Andrew and I flipped the house but couldn't find it. I was pretty sure that it was in the house because I have used it on Thursday and I didn't leave the house since then. I assumed the youngest kitten has taken it and played with it, or I accidentally throw it away, so we looked through the cat beds, cat tree, litter box, and 2 bags of big garbages, and still couldn't find it. And just now this morning, Andrew said, he has lost his work thumb drive at home too... Very Very Creepy!!!!
This semester I mean. Couple more days, I will be free. Last couple days were rough. I only got 4-5 hours of sleep on each night working my take home finals. There is only one exam and 6 lab reports left...
It snowed pretty hard today, I almost didn't to go to work today, I didn't have to, but I did anyway because today was our door decoration contest judgment day. I thought we could have won, but we didn't. The decor requirement was to use at least 50% of the material we use in the working area. So my friend made a wreaths with lubricant strips, I built the roof with soap, so as the snow man, and there are more of other materials... however, we lost. Oh well, at least I had fun making the it.

Since it snowed pretty heavy today, I left work after lunch. And since I have a very steep driveway which covered by several inches of snow today, my car couldn't make it up to the house. So I parked the car on the bottom of the hill and Andrew came home and took care of the rest. That's what husband is for, right? Now my car is in the garage resting. Since we are not in Bethany, we got more snow than the south area. And it started snow much earlier than the south too. Now I missed my subaru...

So, since I have worked really hard for the last couple of days and I got out of work early today, I let myself knit for the whole afternoon and night. And I have made 5 balls in 4 different colors, and they will be gifts for our families.

This year, we have taken the risk to put our tree up. Why a risk? Because our cats love to playing or chewing with it. Plus, all the balls(ornaments of course) hanging down makes the cats very excited. We will see if the tree is still up tomorrow morning. I also have put up some stockings this year.
This pre-lighted ugly tree was only $20
These stocking are also cheap, got them from target last year after Christmas, 90% off of $14.

Last Friday, if you remember there was some heavy snow situation, DH and I and couple people from work went to watch Beowulf at IMAX at Hartford. It took us a bit more than 2 hours to drive up there, but it's totally worth it. It was my first 3-D movie experience. I want to say, "It's AWESOME!!". And of course, I couldn't help but to take some pictures of us with IMAX glasses, whole bunch of dorks...

I think I look kind of pretty in this picture for some reason... may be because my face was covered by that pair of huge glasses.
Still no knitting pictures, be patient my friends, the finals are almost done, and then I can knit again. One more week!!!
It snowed this morning. And this is my driveway.

Last week was a busy week. But the next couple weeks, I will be like dying busy. Finals starts on the 13th, so before that, I got to finish all the papers and homework and get ready for the exams... I am not sure if I can handle all that... good luck to me.
Since I have been super busy, I didn't have much time to knit. I did go to SnB last Thursday to see my friends for an hour. I didn't skip class. The professor let us go way early, so I could make it to SnB around 8pm.
Saturday, I got to go out shopping with some friends. Andrew was nice, he let me go have fun and he took care some household stuff. I went to Clinton Crossing with Deborah and Chien. We met there around 11:30am, and we were done around 5:30. Yup, lots of walking. I believe we had only sat down for a couple of coffee for only 20 minutes. I got some winter clothes which I really needed and a pair of khaki pants for Andrew. And of course, I got some Christmas shopping done too. I am very closed to finish. Ha, and the most exciting thing was, I have found what I have been looking for for the last couple years.

Yup, a super cute HK stocking. And for some reasons, I am so crazy about Hello Kitty. Well, I am usually crazy about HK, but lately, the situation has been turned into extreme!! I guess it has happened since I got back from NYC after visiting the Sanrio store there. And I am trying to turn my craft/study room into a Hello Kitty room. So, I have ordered a clock last week, and it came this week. And finally Andrew has put it up on the wall in that room.

OK, enough show and tell. Time to get back to do some math.
I have been tagged by Wife, "Mom", Knitter. And here I go...
1. What are your favorite things to knit?
Socks, hats, and lace projects I would say.
2. What yarn/fiber do you like most?
I would vote for Debbie Bliss Alpaca silk like the others too. I love alpaca, silk and cashmere. (Who doesn't?) I do like zephyr lace and Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn.
3. What needles do you tend to use (i.e. type/material)?
Circulars. I love my Knitpicks Options. I also love bamboo needles too.
4. Do you tend to knit more in one specific part of the year than others?
I guess knit more during the school holidays and breaks. But I knit all year round too.
5. What style of knitting do you use?
English. But I hold the right needles between my thumb and index finger, so when I throw the yarn, the right needle sits on top my hand.
6. Do you consider yourself a “fast” knitter?
I don't think so.
7. Who is your favorite knitting author(s)?
I don't recognize any author yet. But I there are lots of patterns that I like are from the same authors. I guess I am not good at names.
8. What is your favorite by said author(s)?
Not sure.
9. How long ago did you learn to knit?
17 years ago, I learned how to knit and purl. However, I learned how to read pattern when I joined SnB last September.
10. How do you knit small in-the-round objects? (i.e. double points, 2 circulars, or the magic loop)
Mostly magic loop, sometimes dpns.
11. What is the most useful technique you’ve learned so far?
Magic loop. I use it for socks, hats and sweaters. LOVE it.
12. Do you prefer to knit fine gauge items, mid-range gauge items, or large gauge items, or do you like it all?
I started to like fine gauge items after knitting MS3 and some socks. I also like mid-range too.
13. How do you like to knit your sweaters?
Like Wife, "Mom", Knitter, I also only knitted one sweater. Oh I also knitted a vest. And I have casted on a second sweater. I guess I like to knit it in round or top down, because I hate the seaming part of it.
14.) Who do wish to tag? I am guessing most of the Thursday night SnBers have been tagged, so I am tagging BeckyLinn, Octopus Knits, and Wednesday and Sunday meetings' SnBers!!!
Tuesday was Andrew's birthday. Monday night after midnight, I gave him a card and a gift with a video game and a Spurs NBA Championship 2002-2003 dvd(since he always liked David Robinson) in a gift bag. He didn't show any excitement at all which he explained later it was because it was late, and he was tired and sleepy. Anyway, in the morning, while he was still sleeping, I put another gift in the same gift bag and tissue paper. It was the VCR tape of Spurs won the 1998-99 NBA Champion. That tape was ruin during the flood in our basement in July. He was very upset that he has lost it since he never opened it and has kept it for so long. So, I thought it would be a good gift. But he was still in bed when I left home for work. He never mentioned it at work at all, so I assumed he didn't know there was another gift for him.
I left work a bit early, around 4:30pm, and went pick up a fruits bouquet from Edible Arrangement. Then I rushed home to made a special dinner, since he said he didn't want to go out. Once I got home, I had the oven getting preheated right away. Then I checked my emails and stuff. I got a message from one of my friends that our friend had some problems and needed some "friends" time that night. I really really wanted to go and give her some support, but it was my husband's birthday. I gave her a call right away and apologized I couldn't make it that night, and hoped she would understand that even though I wasn't there physically, I was mentally there for her. I felt really bad I couldn't go, but I had to continue making the dinner. I know Andrew doesn't like steak much, I cook chicken too often, and he doesn't eat seafood... Which restaurant or what dish does he like the most? Then I have decided to make "Texas Roadhouse". I have made baby back ribs, mashed potato, and chili. I popped the ribs in the oven for 2.5 hours(yes, that long, that was why I had to leave work a bit early). I cheated, I made the mashed potato from Betty Crocker Homestyle Creamy Butter mashed potatoes in a box, and the chili is also from a can.
Andrew went to his friend's house to work out, so I had as much time I needed to make the meal. Once he got home, it's already 8pm. I had the table all setup and had a bottle of drink for him, so that he doesn't need to open the fridge and see the fruits bouquet. As I was serving the food, he walked over the fridge and opened it, and said, "What the hell..." I was shocked, I didn't expect him to see that. I was like, "YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO OPEN THE FRIDGE!!!" He said he wanted water instead the drink on the table. So he saw the bouquet. Ruin the surprise, well, he said it was still a surprise. I guess...
When Andrew saw the ribs, potato and stuff, he said "This is Texas Roadhouse!!" Right, that's what I wanted to hear! After we had meal(all tasted good, thank goodness), he couldn't wait to see the fruits bouquet out of the fridge. It was indeed very cool, although it was way too much fruits for 2 of us. Then I told him that he had another gift in the gift bag. Of course he loved the tape. It was a nice night, and I hoped he enjoyed it(he better!!)
yes, we were using the Hello Kitty placemats.

Wednesday we went to work, left quite early, got home and went out to look for a Amazon gift card for his friend, who had just swore in(I did too couple years ago, but I didn't become a lawyer, I became a citizen), in some drugs store. And we had no luck and called it the night.
Thursday morning, we packed and went to my PIL's and spent a lovely Thanksgiving there. On the way there, the traffic was really bad, so we asked the GPS to take us another way. And we saw this huge haunted house which I would like to share.
Once we have arrived there, we went to see my FIL's lately project...
Andrew and his father under the bridge
It is an amazing bridge. Very impressive!!
For Thanksgiving, My MIL made a very very delicious meal for us(sorry, I forgot to take pictures of the meal, I was too excited when I saw all the food, too busy drooling). Homemade dinner rolls, very garlic-y real-mashed potato, awesome green bean casserole, tasty stuffing, and of course TURKEY. They said the turkey was a bit dry, but I said it was very very good. I loved it. I even rudely asked my MIL if I could take some turkey home... My favorite was the green bean casserole! After eating that much food, of course all of my blood went from the brain to the stomach = a good night sleep = I went to bed pretty early and got up really late the next morning. We left on Friday night.
Saturday morning, we went to NYC for Andrew's friend's birthday and passing the Bar party. We took the train since we really don't like driving in NYC. Plus, I got to knit during the train ride. We really had a great time there.
Then I called up Jennsquare to see if there are some yarn store near by Time Square, so that I could go visit. She found me one. But once we got there, it was closed. We went to Lush too, but I didn't find anything I like. Every time we go to NYC, Andrew would make sure that we go to the Sanrio store, and so we did this time too. Of course I bought some stuff from there.
A Hello Kitty sweater and a pin
a HK long ruler, HK chopsticks, a pair of sissors, a cellphone charm and a hat!!!
While we were walking around in NYC, we found a fair thingy at Bryant Park(I know that part because of Project Runway). There were some interesting stores in tents and a looooooong line for ice skating.
Then we passed by Chipotle. Have you ever had Moe's? One time I was chatting with Jennsquare, she said she likes Chipotle better than Moe's, and I love Moe's. So once I saw Chipotle in the city, of course I had to try it. It was really good. we had some to-go too. Andrew and I both like it very much, but too bad they are not close to us. So, Moe's is still better for right now.
Then we took the train back home. Got home around 11pm. Took a shower, then I passed out.
I know it is a very very long post, may be because I haven't posted for long time. But Congratulations! you have survived after reading this long boring post!!
On Friday, I had some friends from school over to play Wii and cards. We had lots of fun... Again, I always feel 10 years younger when I hang out with them. And final exams... here we come....
Me, Bijal, and Carolina
Me, Miguel, Jhy, and Andrew
From Left, Ken, Dave, Andrew, Bijal, Carolina, me, Jhy, and Akshay. (Miguel left already)
The bake sale was a big success today! My cheesecake and pumpkin pie were all sold out today(fast too)! I am so so so happy that people like them a lot. Especially the cheesecake, I just couldn't help to smile from my the bottom of my heart when I saw people had that "yummmmm" look on their faces. Someone even asked me to marry him because of the cheesecake (of course I said "sorry, I am taken") and keep using the f-word to express how good the cake was( you know how the college kids speak in these days). I love that feeling when someone loves your food. It's a big big paid off. If you like to cook, you would know what I mean. Even though I took off half day from work to sit at the table and I didn't get paid at all, it's totally worth it. I had lots of fun today! Of course, during the down time, I was knitting, what is new?
Mechanical Engineering Honor Society in UNH is having a bake sale tomorrow. As a honor member, I, of course, helped to bake. I started making my signature Oreo Cheesecake, it does take 2 days to make it, bake, add more stuff, bake, chill and then add more stuff, 2 days process. It's so good, it's totally worth it, but I don't eat cheesecake. Today, I baked 2 pumpkin pies, and my another signature item, Chocolate and Walnut Snack Bars. It took me 3 hours to prepare and bake, and another couple hours to chill and pack. So, I have been busy baking this weekend. Hopefully people will buy them tomorrow.Before packaging

Last Thursday, since my professor wanted a day off, I didn't have class that night. After work, I went to school to do some homework. Then I ran into my friends Dave and Miguel, both from Columbia. They were so evil that they took me to a great Columbian restaurant which serve awesome Columbian food. I have tried something new, and I like it a lot. I said they were evil because they made me going to SnB late. It was almost 8pm when I got there. But I still had a good time chatting and knitting with my friends as always. And I am going again next week, since I have a take home exam next Thursday, so NO CLASS again. Lucky me... Sometimes, it also makes me mad because I did pay for the expensive tuition, but I am not learn anything from that class...
Me and Dave
Oh, during baking, I did have time to knit a little bit. At the trip to buy plastic bags for packaging the snack bars, I went to A. C. Moore, and guess what, I bought a ball of yarn. It's Bernat Organic Cotton. Then, while cheesecake was being baked, I casted on a pair of baby booties. I have never made baby booties before, I had no idea how they are easy and fast to knit. I finished it this morning. There was some sewing, not much, but I still hate it. They are gifts for one of my co-worker's new born son.

Also, I accidentally washed the swatch of the MWS which is the Zephyr lace yarn...