Couple days ago, I tried to call my car dealer and see where my car is. While I was being held in the phone, I was looking at their (that car dealership's) website and find out that they have a Red Sport Fit for sale. I was really pissed. I didn't reach the salesman, but I left him a message and asked him what is going on. Then I called Andrew right away to tell him what I saw. He then called the "online salesman", and asked about the car. When the salesman found out that it's Andrew, he put Andrew talk to a manager. The manager told Andrew that the car on the website IS our car. We can use that VIN to get insurance and things. The car is being shipped from Japan. And we are expecting it to be here next week or so. ( I am crossing my fingers). I can't wait for it to be here. I have not been going anywhere far. I miss SnB. I even got a gift for my Fit from my parents-in-law. We have put a down payment on August 16th 2006, so it has been almost 5 months already. I just can't wait any longer.
"24" has been interesting. Andrew and I have watched 10 episodes so far, but I always think it is going to end in any minute soon, and well, there are 14 episodes more to go... I am so addicted to it since I want to know what else can make the show go 14 episodes longer...
Back to knitting. I am slowly making my kyoto sweater sleeves, very slow. I am also trying to figure it out how to make fingers for my fingerless gloves.
Andrew and I also are thinking to rearrange our living room. So the weekend, we will station at Ikea. If you are looking for us, now you know where to go. :)
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