Finally I finished the microwave cover last night.
29 August, 2007
First Day of School
I have one class with Carolina this morning. It should be fun taking class with her. So glad that there is another girl in the engineering class. Then I had a math class, Complex Variables, sounds like fun huh? There were 6 of us in the class, and 4 of us are in ME which is quite surprising, I thought only Math major or some one like me need to take a advance math class to be math elective need to take that class. And at night, I had a lab class, which is a "lot of work to do" class, plus, there are lots of curve-killers in my class, means, less chance getting As in that class. :( So I had a long break between 2 classes, so I casted on the Monkey Socks with the Cherry Tree Hill yarn and size 1 knitpicks needles in school. Of course I am using my favorite magic loop method.

Finally I finished the microwave cover last night.
Finally I finished the microwave cover last night.
28 August, 2007
Anniversary Dinner
Finally, Andrew and I had time to go for our anniversary dinner. We went to East, my (used to) favorite restaurant. It has changed it's menu a bit, so I am not sure if it's still my favorite restaurant anymore, but it's still great! We had pot stickers as appetizer, then sushi and sashimi combo for two, and then fried icecream (must have) as dessert. We enjoyed the dinner very much. Then we went home and watched Hot Fuss. Very funny.

As for knitting, I finally have time to take/post some pictures. I haven't been knitting a lot, but here are some progress of my projects. First is the Oversized Lace Top. Please tell me if you see 2 colors of the top. I know, I am so annoying... ok, I will quit it. The left piece in the picture is the back of the Top, and I just passed the armholes on the front piece. Hopefully, I can finish it soon.

Then it's the microwave cover. Only couple inches left, and it will be done. And I will cast on my monkey socks... wait or should I finish my MS3? But I do need something to knit during SnB, and MS3 is not a project that I could do that. So, decision made, Monkey socks then!

And what else is exciting? Going back to school tomorrow of course. I panicked yesterday. I couldn't find my pencil bag which was holding all of my favorite hello kitty pens, and my tiny cute stapler which got so many "aww... it's so cute". After 10,000 hours later, I found it in my knitting bag. Why did I put it there? I really don't know. But I know I am all ready for school!
By the way, did anyone try to use the posting video function in blogger? I have tried, and never success!
As for knitting, I finally have time to take/post some pictures. I haven't been knitting a lot, but here are some progress of my projects. First is the Oversized Lace Top. Please tell me if you see 2 colors of the top. I know, I am so annoying... ok, I will quit it. The left piece in the picture is the back of the Top, and I just passed the armholes on the front piece. Hopefully, I can finish it soon.
Then it's the microwave cover. Only couple inches left, and it will be done. And I will cast on my monkey socks... wait or should I finish my MS3? But I do need something to knit during SnB, and MS3 is not a project that I could do that. So, decision made, Monkey socks then!
And what else is exciting? Going back to school tomorrow of course. I panicked yesterday. I couldn't find my pencil bag which was holding all of my favorite hello kitty pens, and my tiny cute stapler which got so many "aww... it's so cute". After 10,000 hours later, I found it in my knitting bag. Why did I put it there? I really don't know. But I know I am all ready for school!
By the way, did anyone try to use the posting video function in blogger? I have tried, and never success!
27 August, 2007
fun weekend
Thursday was my 4th year wedding anniversary. Andrew took me out for dinner and watch a movie. We had our dinner at foodcourt in the mall, very romantic. Actually, I don't mind at all since I know he will take me to some place nicer later. Then we watched Stardust. It was nice, suitable for our anniversary. It you like the Prince's Bride, you will like Stardust too. Of course, I have missed SnB that night.
Then Andrew had some friends from work came over to watch UFC on Friday night. Violence? I am ok with that. Plus there were lots of food for the fight party. Ken bought ribs from Uncle Willies, Jeff bought chicken wings, Sean and Debroah bought chips and wine. And I bought sushi.
On Saturday night, we went to Carolina's house for another BBQ(one on last week). I had marinated some chicken wings on Friday night and brought over for Carolina's bbq. Besides wings, we had burgers, hot dogs, chips and beer! After eating all the food, we play Wii. If you have a Wii, "Mario Party 8" is a must buy for a party. We, Carolina, Bijal, Miguel, Dave and I, tried to have a little fun before the school starts which is on Wednesday. Man, I can't wait for it starts!!

Today, Sunday, We continuely celebrating our anniversary. We went to watch a movie again, we saw Harry Potter. All the HP fans, I am sorry, but I don't think I like the movie. I almost felt asleep at some points. Then we went home and took care of some stuff. Around 6pm, we headed out and tried to go to East for our anniversary dinner. We drove all the way to Milford, about 6 miles(hehehe), and it was CLOSED!!! They close on Sunday. OK, then we went home and had our leftover ribs for dinner tonight. Oh and we watched the movie Perfume while having our dinner. Weird movie, not recommanded.
So, our plan is going to East for dinner tomorrow night. We will see if it will happen or not...
Then Andrew had some friends from work came over to watch UFC on Friday night. Violence? I am ok with that. Plus there were lots of food for the fight party. Ken bought ribs from Uncle Willies, Jeff bought chicken wings, Sean and Debroah bought chips and wine. And I bought sushi.
On Saturday night, we went to Carolina's house for another BBQ(one on last week). I had marinated some chicken wings on Friday night and brought over for Carolina's bbq. Besides wings, we had burgers, hot dogs, chips and beer! After eating all the food, we play Wii. If you have a Wii, "Mario Party 8" is a must buy for a party. We, Carolina, Bijal, Miguel, Dave and I, tried to have a little fun before the school starts which is on Wednesday. Man, I can't wait for it starts!!

So, our plan is going to East for dinner tomorrow night. We will see if it will happen or not...
25 August, 2007
Summer break is almost over.
I have been very tired lately. I have been busy at work. The last several weeks, I have been going to work at 7am and getting off work at 5pm, AND I go to bed at the regular time which is after mid-night. Basically, I only get 5-6 hours sleep everyday. I am not complaining since I know I am a night owl, I just can't go to bed at 10pm. And it seems I don't have problem getting up early. But I have noticed that I have been drinking at least 3 cups of coffee a day. Still not complaining, I love coffee anyway. I am complaining that I don't have much time to finish cleaning up the basement or to knit. I haven't touched my MS3 for maybe 3 weeks, and I still haven't finished the Oversized Lace Top. Summer is leaving, which means I am having less and less time to wear that lace top. Oh well. And I have let the "2 colors" problem in the lace top go already.
As I was saying we got a new camera, it's not a fancy one, but it does its jobs, and I am loving it! Here are some test pictures Andrew and I took.

As I was saying we got a new camera, it's not a fancy one, but it does its jobs, and I am loving it! Here are some test pictures Andrew and I took.

22 August, 2007
Spoiled me
I am so spoiled... I got up this morning, I felt like I wanted to call in sick, so tired. Then the first think came into my mind was "um... Starbucks white cholocate mocha..." (not orange mocha fappachino). So, this morning, I got a Starbucks coffee AND a banana chocolate chip coffee cake. I have never had that before, it's so goooood that it makes my day. Although it's a fatty and expensive breakfast, but somedays you just want to treat yourself with something special!
I am so spoiled... After I broke my old camera on Saturday night, I got my new camera yesterday. Yay!!!
As knitting, I don't have much progress in anything. I had a busy weekend, though I went to SnB on Sunday. School starts of the 29th, but my Thursday night class doesn't start until September 13th, so I can still go to SnB Thursday night meeting for couple more weeks. Then I will start going to Sunday meetings.
No pictures today, but I am sure there will be in my next post. hehehe
I am so spoiled... After I broke my old camera on Saturday night, I got my new camera yesterday. Yay!!!
As knitting, I don't have much progress in anything. I had a busy weekend, though I went to SnB on Sunday. School starts of the 29th, but my Thursday night class doesn't start until September 13th, so I can still go to SnB Thursday night meeting for couple more weeks. Then I will start going to Sunday meetings.
No pictures today, but I am sure there will be in my next post. hehehe
13 August, 2007
Anniversary Gifts
I know I haven't posted for long time (compare to the other bloggers). I had a very busy week, I am going to paid overtime this week hehehe...
Since I got paid overtime, I spoiled myself a bit, well, not really a bit, but a lot. I went to the Famrhouse yarn sale yesterday. I was planning to go with Jenn, but something came up, I couldn't go in the afternoon with her(she couldn't go in the morning). So, I made Andrew go with me in the morning. Surprise, I bought some yarn. I did the fill a bag for $159 with 26 skeins of yarn.
8 skeins of each of the following:

and 2 skeins of these in the bag:

And the following skeins are $11 each:

And I thought that was my anniversary gifts from Andrew, but... After I got hom last night, took out the camera trying to take picutres of the yarn, I dropped the camera on the carpet, and it broke. Yup, it's dead now, I took these yarn pictures with my cellphone. So, I guess my anniversary gifts include a new camera also. *sigh
I haven't touched the MS3 for about 2 weeks I would say. I have been working on the oversized lace top, and I am having a big problem with it. I think the color of the new ball of yarn I am using is different than the old ones. I did check to make sure all the skeins have the same lot number when I bought them, but somehow, this ball of yarn, after I winded it, it doesn't look like the others. I am so frustrated.... I can't take a picture of it since my camera is broken, and the cellphone camera couldn't show the differences. Oh well, come to SnB Thursday, I will show you...
And I want to show you a picture of Jasmine's Wedding that I love the most. Man, I want to be a photographer...P.S. I want to make it clear that I didn't take this wedding picutre, I was the one on the right in red in the picture, I just really like how the photographer captured the moment which showing the back of me and Jasmine, our bustled up dresses...

Since I got paid overtime, I spoiled myself a bit, well, not really a bit, but a lot. I went to the Famrhouse yarn sale yesterday. I was planning to go with Jenn, but something came up, I couldn't go in the afternoon with her(she couldn't go in the morning). So, I made Andrew go with me in the morning. Surprise, I bought some yarn. I did the fill a bag for $159 with 26 skeins of yarn.
8 skeins of each of the following:
and 2 skeins of these in the bag:
And the following skeins are $11 each:
I haven't touched the MS3 for about 2 weeks I would say. I have been working on the oversized lace top, and I am having a big problem with it. I think the color of the new ball of yarn I am using is different than the old ones. I did check to make sure all the skeins have the same lot number when I bought them, but somehow, this ball of yarn, after I winded it, it doesn't look like the others. I am so frustrated.... I can't take a picture of it since my camera is broken, and the cellphone camera couldn't show the differences. Oh well, come to SnB Thursday, I will show you...
And I want to show you a picture of Jasmine's Wedding that I love the most. Man, I want to be a photographer...P.S. I want to make it clear that I didn't take this wedding picutre, I was the one on the right in red in the picture, I just really like how the photographer captured the moment which showing the back of me and Jasmine, our bustled up dresses...

10 August, 2007
What kind of sandwich are you?
You Are a Club Sandwich |
![]() You are have a big personality. It's hard for anyone to ignore you! You dream big. You think big. And you eat big. Some people consider you high maintenance, but you just know what you want... and when you want it. Your best friend: The Tuna Fish Sandwich Your mortal enemy: The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich |
You Are a Turkey Sandwich |
![]() Conservative and a bit shy, you tend to stick with what you know and trust. You are very introverted, and you prefer to blend in whenever possible. Though you may be hard to know well, anyone who does know you considers you a true friend. Your best friend: The Ham Sandwich Your mortal enemy: The Tuna Fish Sandwich |
09 August, 2007
August 9th Thusday night SnB
We had a big group tonight. I have counted, there were 16 of us including baby Katy. Val was trying to use her camera to take a nice picture of us, but her camera battery just die at that moment. Oh well, next week Val, remember to bring your camera again :D So, I used my Sony Ericsson cellphone to take these 2 pictures(thanks to Karen who took the pictures, so that I could be in them). They are not so good, but hopefully, we will take a better one next week. Also, I am so glad that Erin has back tonight, she is in the picture! And good luck to you in the city, best wishes !!

Another exciting thing happened today was I have received my secret knitting pal's package. I have joined this SKP group though facebook. In six months, we have to send our pals 3 packages which worth $20 each. I have been waiting for long time, and here it came today, I was so pleased to see what I got. It's a skein of sock yarn from Fleece Artist(I couldn't wait and brought the yarn with me to show it off in SnB tonight and let my lovely ladies pet it), a set of sz 3 dp bamboo needles, and guess what, Hello Kitty band-aid. yay, my pal knows me well. The color of the yarn is just gorgeous, I can't wait to knit with it.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I also got the yarn that Jasmine got for me from Italy. It doesn't have labels, but it feels pretty nice. I have to bring them with me to next Thursday SnB, maybe some SnBers could tell me what fabric it is. Beside the yarn, she also got me a purse, I love it! And the yarn too of course.
Ok, after seeing the cool visitor counter, which shows the cities of people who visiting your site from, from kelly's blog. I was going to get one like hers also, but my counter has hit 1000 people already, so I don't want to give it up. Tonight I have told Kelly that beside the counter, I also can see some statistics of who has been visiting my website through Google Analytics. Then I take alook at my statistics more, I found out that, Google Analytics also has the same function as Kelly's blog counter, which it tells me where are the people who has been visiting my blog, so cool!!!

07 August, 2007
I got an award
Octopus Knits has given me an award hehehe....

First, I need to thank my mom who has been always support my blogging career... just kidding. Thanks Octupus Knits for making me a Rockin' Girl Blogger, makes me feeling I am so special. Now I am giving this award to my blogger fellows. ( in no particular order)
I am catching up with the MS3. I wanted to knit faster, I brought it with me to SnB last Thursday night. I should have listen to Jenn that MS3 is not a good project for SnB. I either made mistakes or knitted very slow since I have to chat and listen to the SnBers. So last weekend, I spent lots of time finishing up clue 4(thank goodness), now I am on clue 5, the wing. I am so worried that after I saw some clue 5 pictures in the yahoo group, mine doesn't look like the others' at all... But if you know me well, you would know that I worry too much all the time, yes, that's me :D

I don't think I have shown my "chart reading setup". I am using a cookie sheet with couple long magnets to hold the chart paper. Andrew has made me a cookie sheet stand with a computer case frame... see it as the following picture. It doesn't look so good, but it works!!
Couple days ago I went to Target, and I found these Hello Kitty stuff in the $1 section. (except the band-aid, my mother in law bought it for me). Yay for me...
Speaking of Band-Aid, I have good stuff to recommend to all the lovely ladies.
I have seen this Blister Block, made by Band-Aid, in Jasmine's Wedding. I was wearing a pair of 4in heels thin strap sandals and they were killing my feet. So one of the bridesmaid introduced it to me and asked me to apply some on my feet. It worked!!!! Ladies, if you always get blisters when you wear new shoes or sandals, I highly recommend you buy this!!

First, I need to thank my mom who has been always support my blogging career... just kidding. Thanks Octupus Knits for making me a Rockin' Girl Blogger, makes me feeling I am so special. Now I am giving this award to my blogger fellows. ( in no particular order)
I am catching up with the MS3. I wanted to knit faster, I brought it with me to SnB last Thursday night. I should have listen to Jenn that MS3 is not a good project for SnB. I either made mistakes or knitted very slow since I have to chat and listen to the SnBers. So last weekend, I spent lots of time finishing up clue 4(thank goodness), now I am on clue 5, the wing. I am so worried that after I saw some clue 5 pictures in the yahoo group, mine doesn't look like the others' at all... But if you know me well, you would know that I worry too much all the time, yes, that's me :D
I don't think I have shown my "chart reading setup". I am using a cookie sheet with couple long magnets to hold the chart paper. Andrew has made me a cookie sheet stand with a computer case frame... see it as the following picture. It doesn't look so good, but it works!!

01 August, 2007
MS3 clue 3 done!
Yes, I am catching up. Only clue 4 left, but clue 5 is coming out this Friday.

And I finally got the "bride with the shawlettle" pictures up, Jasmines seemed happy about/like it.

Andrew and I and his friends went to watch The Simpsons movie on Friday night. It's so funny. I usually don't get most of the jokes from the tv episodes, but I laughed very often in the movie. I wasn't sure if I should go, but I am glad I did. After the movie, we saw the tv shows' DVDs were sold in Sam's Club. They came with t-shirts and Simpsons movie vouchers. We bought 2 of them so that we can go watch the movie again.

And I finally got the "bride with the shawlettle" pictures up, Jasmines seemed happy about/like it.
Andrew and I and his friends went to watch The Simpsons movie on Friday night. It's so funny. I usually don't get most of the jokes from the tv episodes, but I laughed very often in the movie. I wasn't sure if I should go, but I am glad I did. After the movie, we saw the tv shows' DVDs were sold in Sam's Club. They came with t-shirts and Simpsons movie vouchers. We bought 2 of them so that we can go watch the movie again.
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