09 August, 2007
August 9th Thusday night SnB
We had a big group tonight. I have counted, there were 16 of us including baby Katy. Val was trying to use her camera to take a nice picture of us, but her camera battery just die at that moment. Oh well, next week Val, remember to bring your camera again :D So, I used my Sony Ericsson cellphone to take these 2 pictures(thanks to Karen who took the pictures, so that I could be in them). They are not so good, but hopefully, we will take a better one next week. Also, I am so glad that Erin has back tonight, she is in the picture! And good luck to you in the city, best wishes !!

Another exciting thing happened today was I have received my secret knitting pal's package. I have joined this SKP group though facebook. In six months, we have to send our pals 3 packages which worth $20 each. I have been waiting for long time, and here it came today, I was so pleased to see what I got. It's a skein of sock yarn from Fleece Artist(I couldn't wait and brought the yarn with me to show it off in SnB tonight and let my lovely ladies pet it), a set of sz 3 dp bamboo needles, and guess what, Hello Kitty band-aid. yay, my pal knows me well. The color of the yarn is just gorgeous, I can't wait to knit with it.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I also got the yarn that Jasmine got for me from Italy. It doesn't have labels, but it feels pretty nice. I have to bring them with me to next Thursday SnB, maybe some SnBers could tell me what fabric it is. Beside the yarn, she also got me a purse, I love it! And the yarn too of course.
Ok, after seeing the cool visitor counter, which shows the cities of people who visiting your site from, from kelly's blog. I was going to get one like hers also, but my counter has hit 1000 people already, so I don't want to give it up. Tonight I have told Kelly that beside the counter, I also can see some statistics of who has been visiting my website through Google Analytics. Then I take alook at my statistics more, I found out that, Google Analytics also has the same function as Kelly's blog counter, which it tells me where are the people who has been visiting my blog, so cool!!!

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Wow, are you fast to post! And I was the first to comment, nah nah nah nah nah everyone!!!
Those are great pics. Thanks for thinking of this, it was a *great* night to take pics.
I will check out Google Analytics to see that other info! Should be cool!
Great job Phoebe! Tooo fast!! It is so much fun for me to see who you were spending time with when I called last night! Now if I could just learn how to knit so I can keep up with you and Becky!!
Love, Mom H
Wow! That's awesome! I WAS gonna come... oh well. Maybe next week.
I'll have to check out Google Analytics... I'm currently using site meter, but I'm big on google :)
The pictures are great. Now I can show my mom what our SnB looks like to the innocent Panera customer.
Great secret pal gift! Lucky you!
Thank you Phoebe for taking our pic. Now my husband can see the "Bitches" (his term, not mine)I meet with every Thursday night!
***You Are a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich***
You life your life in a free form, artistic style.
You are incredibly creative and at times, quite messy.
Deep down, you are a kid at heart. And you aren't afraid to express it.
Your best friend: The Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Your mortal enemy: The Club Sandwich
What Kind of Sandwich Are You?
not true lol...i love you!
nZBe40 The best blog you have!
ErRaND Hello all!
Hello all!
Good job!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Good job!
Nice Article.
Wonderful blog.
Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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