First, I need to thank my mom who has been always support my blogging career... just kidding. Thanks Octupus Knits for making me a Rockin' Girl Blogger, makes me feeling I am so special. Now I am giving this award to my blogger fellows. ( in no particular order)
I am catching up with the MS3. I wanted to knit faster, I brought it with me to SnB last Thursday night. I should have listen to Jenn that MS3 is not a good project for SnB. I either made mistakes or knitted very slow since I have to chat and listen to the SnBers. So last weekend, I spent lots of time finishing up clue 4(thank goodness), now I am on clue 5, the wing. I am so worried that after I saw some clue 5 pictures in the yahoo group, mine doesn't look like the others' at all... But if you know me well, you would know that I worry too much all the time, yes, that's me :D
I don't think I have shown my "chart reading setup". I am using a cookie sheet with couple long magnets to hold the chart paper. Andrew has made me a cookie sheet stand with a computer case frame... see it as the following picture. It doesn't look so good, but it works!!

awww! Thanks for the award!!! :) I LOVE your cookie sheet set up! It's so ingenius! We engineers... :)
I got an award!
I use the cookie sheet thing sometimes too. It works great. I really have to try that blister block stuff too. If it works, it could be great for work!
Very cool!
Hey, did you see the Hello Kitty article I e-mailed you a couple of days ago? I sent it to the hotmail address on your profile.
Your welcome! The stole looks lovely (I bet you're just worrying unneccessarily -- I do that, too)! Thanks for the tip on the blister block.
Here's the article (copy/paste the link):
Made me think of you, the biggest Hello Kitty fan I know! :-)
Hey! Thanks so much for the award!! I just feel so, so celebrated!!! :)
Your stole looks gorgeous. I don't know lace, but it looks even and beautiful to me!! You are doing a great job!
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