14 February, 2007


太好了, 可以在這裡寫中文 !! 上個星期六在 ebay 買了一塊新手寫板, (舊的不能用了)是想和香港的朋手在 MSN 聊天的. 但是我發覺打英文比用手寫板輸入還快. haha...
不過用手寫板都好, 可以幫助我記得多些中文字. 我巳經忘記了許多字是怎樣寫.
唉, 短短幾句中文, 已經用了差不多十五分鐘去完成. 太差勁了!! 好, 明天再寫.


jennsquared said...

Is that suppose to mean anything?

Happy Valentine's Day! And I love everything you are working on! What yarn are you using for jaywalker???

Unknown said...

I tried to translate it using google's language tools, but I'm not sure what all this "up in smoke stuff" is about.
Too good to be here to write Chinese go up in smoke last Saturday in England bought a piece of handwritten board Hong Kong is like MSN chat in the hands of friends. But I find that hard to import English faster than handwritten board. haha .. . though handwritten plates, which could help me remember more words. I have done a lot of forgotten how to write the word. Oh, just a few Chinese have spent almost 15 minutes to complete. too bad job go up in smoke, write tomorrow.

Anonymous said...



尤其係你今個sem學普通話,打到中文一定可以幫到你......如果你唔識用倉頡或簡易方法打繁體,我建議你學打簡體,可以用全拼輸入法,不但可以用keyboard直接打中文,仲有你可以温習吓普通話,一舉兩得!試吓啦! 我而家就用倉頡打繁體,全拼打簡體。同你傾計緊係用繁體啦,同大陸朋友傾計既話,就要用簡體囉!


anphoe said...

I am using the yarn called Scheepjes? which I bought it at Yarn Garden on Superbowl Sale for Jaywalker.I think I have mentioned that yarn on my post before. :D