I am so mad at myself. Last night, I went to SnB. I remembered to bring my girls some Intuitions, I remembered to bring Val some DVDs of 24. But I just only not remember to bring the scarf pattern to knit there. So, I had a bowl of soup and a glass of ice-tea there, and then headed home. Stupid me.
It's only the third week of this semester, but classes are already busy. Since I am in the new curriculum, I have to take a managment class. I guess it's good for my future, but I am not liking the class and that was why I didn't pick Business for my major. *sign. Why do I have to take this class? On the other hand, I am having lots of fun in the Chinese class. On Thursday, some Chinese students came to our class to teach us sing a Chinese New Year song and chinese dancing.
I recently have been teaching myself how to crochet. It's not easy, but I am trying. So far, I have a project in mind that I want to make. I want to make a cover for my rice cooker. So, I need to know how to crochet a circle. And these are the products of my experiments.
As for knitting, I haven't done much since I have been busy in school. After I posted the finished Kyoto sweater here, my best friend Renee has placed her order on that. I am so happy that she likes it, because I know she would tell me the truth if she thinks the sweater is pretty. I talked to her on phone last night. I miss her so much. We are truly the best friends since we tell each other everything, I mean everything. I loved shopping with her, we would be so honest to each other if I didn't like the top she picked out, I would tell her directly. Or she would tell me the skirt I tried on was horrible. And I love that, that's how a real friendship should be, to be honest to each other. I don't think we even had a fight since she always has been very understanding and thoughtful. Sometimes she cared me more than her boyfriend. There are so many good things about her, I miss her very very much, miss playing mahjong with her, miss shopping with her, miss laughing with/at her...
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