I was mad at Andrew before the show because he made us late to meet my friends to go to the show together. For those of you who knows me very well, know that I am a "on time" person, I hate being late. So, althought we were only couple minutes late yesterday, I was upset about it. And then we didn't know how to get to the location of the show, that also made me mad. I was the one supposed to know the location, but I forgot the print out the map and ended up making my friends getting lost in New Haven. I was mad at Andrew and myself, really. But when the show started, I forgot all the madness, and just paid attendion to the show. I enjoyed it very much. I was very excited to see the singer Yang Yen, 楊燕. yes, she is old, my mother told me that she is at least 60 years old. But her voice was still clear and nice. Yes, I know her and that means I am old also. It's funny though, most of my friend around my age wouldn't care for her, but since I listened to whatever my parent listened when I was young, so I knew her, and I like the music of the last generation.
The second part of the show was a Chinese fashion show called "Moving Forbidden City". It's very different. I wouldn't say I like the clothes, but I do thing it's interesting, and a special experience. I would say it's a weird fashion show. Look at the pictures below and you would agree with me.
Thanks Phoepe.
mysterious black things in the Sugar and Cream, sounds kind of scary! Nice that they gave you all those patterns, though!
Beautiful pics of the dresses, thanks for sharing them!
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